澳门足彩app’s engineers specialize in up-front integration of CIP 和 SIP in in process designs.



专注于复杂制造过程系统的卫生解决方案, 澳门足彩app擅长将CIP和SIP整合到其解决方案中.


就地清洗(CIP)和就地蒸(SIP) are essential pieces of the cleaning puzzle for manufacturing facilities, particularly in the 食品、饮料, 制药和生命科学 行业. 确保有一个干净的和, 在很多情况下, 无菌环境是保证产品安全的必要条件, 在这些设施生产的产品的保质期和价值.

Seiberling,一家澳门足彩app公司, was founded as a design 工程 firm with a unique focus on crafting hygienic solutions for complex manufacturing process systems. Developing innovative ways to incorporate the benefits of CIP 和 SIP into the appropriate environments has defined its work for more than 40 years.

“Our core business is designing for products that need a high degree of sanitation,” said Mike Byron, 澳门足彩app工艺工程设计总监. “我们的专长是了解这个过程, 但我们也整合了清洁和, 如果需要, 在制作过程中预先加入蒸汽,而不是在制作过程中添加蒸汽.”

It’s important to underst和 nuanced differences between clean-in-place 和 steam-in-place.


CIP generally 依赖于 water-based solutions coupled with cleaning agents to remove soiled portions of the broader system. Hygienically designed equipment can be CIP’d to remove soil 和 return the product contact surfaces to a “like-new” condition.

SIP uses high temperatures from steam to kill microorganisms 和 sterilize the various pipes, 过程系统的阀门和其他元件. 它通常与CIP一起使用. SIP需要大量的投资 在基础设施, 导致与设备维护和保养相关的更多开销. 它需要阀门, temperature sensors 和 steam traps to make sure it’s working properly 和 to ensure that the steam remains at a consistently high temperature to effectively 和 efficiently kill microorganisms.

尽管存在这些差异, 拜伦说,这两个过程有一些相似之处, 例如管道设计, 包括分支, 适当倾斜的管线和阀门和仪表的共同职责.

像这样, 设施的有效整合至关重要, 高效的清洁系统在规划期间, 流程系统的设计和构建. This can be challenging for clients who facing high dem和 和 need to get their product to market as soon as possible.

拜伦说, 然而, that finding the right balance between that dem和 和 need to properly plan 和 prepare a sound process system is imperative.



自动化也进一步提高了CIP和SIP的效率和安全性. 这些过程可能是危险的, 因为CIP有时可以依靠苛刻的化学试剂来清洁设施, 和 SIP operates under high pressure that must be carefully monitored 和 regulated. 作为其持续创新动力的一部分, 澳门足彩app has taken an intentional approach to managing these processes safely 和 securely.

Incorporating automated CIP 和 SIP into the process improves facility safety 和 效率. 自动化 can eliminate the need for plant personnel in various operations while still transmitting alarms 和 error signals well in advance of product quality being compromised.

进一步, 设施可以从正在进行的过程中移除单个设备, 适当清洁和/或消毒, 然后重新引入生产线. 这是可以计时的 doesn’t interfere with an existing product run 和 can be done in phases so the various elements to be cleaned don’t 导致产量损失 time – 和 lost money for the client.



  • CIP和SIP有什么区别?

    干净的我n-地点(CIP)是一个过程 使用 一种清洗溶液,通过管网循环用于 一段时间. 然后将溶液排干并用新鲜的溶液代替重复这个过程,直到管道被清洁. 蒸汽in地点(SIP)也是类似的, 因为它涉及到清洁溶液和管道网络的使用. 主要的区别是 SIP 依赖于 蒸汽产生的高温可以杀死微生物并对管道进行消毒, 阀门 以及过程系统的其他元素.  

  • 哪些行业使用CIP和SIP?

    CIP和SIP是 广泛应用于 食品饮料行业 制药 行业. 

  • CIP在清洗中是什么意思?

    CIP代表清洁in的地方.  CIP用于热交换器、发酵罐等设备. CIP is also used for equipment that is difficult to disassemble, such as piping 和 阀门. CIP 是很常见的 method used to clean 和 sanitize equipment in the 食品饮料行业. 

  • 什么是就地清理法?

    CIP is a method of cleaning 和 sanitizing equipment that is difficult to disassemble 和 clean. 

  • 清洁到位的好处是什么?

    清洁in地方(CIP) 和蒸汽-in-的地方 可以改善 效率. 设施可以从正在进行的过程中移除单个设备, 适当清洁和/或消毒, 然后重新引入生产线. 这是可以计时的 interfere with an existing product run 和 can be done in phases so the various elements to be cleaned 导致产量损失 time. 

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入超过20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) 和 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,300高度专业化, 内部设计, construction 和 administrative professionals across industrial 和 commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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